4-Card Majors


    OMS = Opener's (original) Major Suit: 1 - 1 - 2 OMS ().
    RMS = Responder's (original) Major Suit 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 RMS.
    OmS = Opener's (original) minor Suit, OS = Opener's (original) Suit
    RmS = Responders (original) minor Suit, RS = Responders (original) Suit.
    = either heart OR spade.
    = either diamond OR club.
    1 - 1  =  1 - 1 Major   OR   1 - 1 Major.
    1 - 2  =  1 - raise   OR   1 - raise.
    GF = Game Force
    NF = Not Forcing

This page is a bidding summary for a 4-Card Majors system. For more details, see Bridge-tips.co.il. In particular, the linked page starts with 7 reasons why you should play 4CM.

The following are bids to open when in 1st or 2nd seat. In 3rd or 4th seat, more leeway is available.

Opening a 4CM requires a strong 4-card suit, typically 3 of the top 5 honors, though in later positions or if really hard-pressed for a good bid, AKxx or AQ9x is okay. Otherwise (and with no 5-card suit), open a 3-4 card minor.

With a 5-card minor and 4CM, bid the minor.

Any 1-level suit opening shows 11-20 HCP and did not open 1N because of not being in the range or being unbalanced.

Despite the name of this system, responder is required to first assume that partner has opened a 5-card major and support with any 3 cards. If a minor is opened, assume it is 4 cards though it may be 3 (e.g.: if 4=4=3=2 or 4=4=2=3). With 4=3=3=3 or 3=4=3=3 open 1.

With 4=4=1=4, open 1. With any other 4-4-4-1, open 1.

With two 5-card suits, open the higher on except 5-5 blacks, then open 1 if

  • The clubs are strong and the spades are weak and the hand is a minimum OR
  • The hand is strong enough for a jump-shift.

With a strong spade suit:

  1. With 4 diamonds on the side and 3-2 in the other suits and <15 HCP:
    • 1 - 1N - Pass.
    • 1 - 2 - 2N (preferably with a heart stop)
    • 1 - 2 - 3 
  2. With 4 hearts and 3-2 , <15 HCP mostly in the majors:
    • 1 - 1N - Pass
    • 1 - 2 - 2 
  3. With 4=4=4=1, weak diamonds, and 12-15 HCP:
    • 1 - 2 - 3
    • 1 - 1N/2 - 2 
  4. With 4=3=5=1, 12-15 HCP:
    • 1 - 2 - 3
    • 1 - 1N/2 - 2

With a strong heart suit:
  1. 3=4=2=4, <15 HCP:
    • 1 - 1 - 2
    • 1 - 2 - 3
    • 1 - 2 - 2N (with stopper in spades)
    • 1 - 1N - Pass 
  2. With 4 diamonds on the side, 3-2 in the other suits, and <15 HCP:
    • 1 - 1 - 1N
    • 1 - 1N - Pass
    • 1 - 2 - 2
    • 1 - 2 - 3 
  3. With 5 diamonds, 3-2 in the others, and <15 HCP:
    • 1 - 1 - 2
    • 1 - 1/1N/2 - 2
    • 1 - 2 - 3 
  4. Option: with 3=4=3=3 or 4&4, 18-19 HCP, AKQT+ open 1.

2-Level Openings:

    Weak Twos = 7-9 HCP, sometimes ± 1, a good suit when vulnerable or in 2nd position. 
    2 = game-forcing opening; if balanced, 22-24 or 27-28 HCP>

3-Level Openings:

    Standard preempts.

2-Level Openings:

    8-card suit or 7-4.
In 4th seat, all bids above 2 show opening strength+.

Notrump Openings (4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2, 5-3-3-2):

    Standard 15-17.



    1-over-1 = 5+ HCP. 
    1N = 6-10 HCP. Denies a good 4-card major.


    2-over-1 = 11+ HCP (unless rebid at next call), promises a rebid below game. 
    Single raise = 7-10 points, 3+ card support.

2N Jump:

    1-of-a-suit - 2N = balanced GF, 13-15 HCP,
      unless responder follows up with...
    4 of opener's major = balanced, 4+ card support, 12-14 HCP 
    2 response then 3 of the suit = 6-7 cards, 9-11 HCP.  
    1N response then 3 of the suit = 6-7 cards and <9 HCP.

Jump-Shift: (17+ HCP) followed by...

    1. rebid of the suit = strong 6+ suit. 
    2. raise of opener = 4-card support for opener's suit. 
    3. notrump = 5-3-3-2

Jumps to 3 Level:

    1. Jump raise = 4+ trumps, 9-11 points 
    2. 1 - (P) - 3   OR   1 - (P) -3  =  splinter in the suit bid.
      If 2nd player interferes, the jumps are natural and invitational.  
    3. 1 - 3 = GF. 
    4. 3N = 15-17 HCP, balanced

Responses to Weak-Two:

    1. New suit forcing 
    2. 2N = feature asking 
    3. raise = NF 
    4. 3N = to play.

Responses to 2:

    2 = waiting. Followed by 3C = double negative 
    New suit = 5+ length, 7+ HCP, at least one A or K. 
    3 = semi-solid 6+ suit. 
    2N = 2 kings, balanced, no 5-card suit, 7-9± HCP

Responses to 3-level preempt:

    New suit forcing below game level. 
    3N = to play.

Responses to 1N:

    Jacoby Transfers. If followed by a new suit = GF; followed by 4N = quantitative (16± HCP) 
    2 = minor suit stayman = GF 
    2N = 9 HCP or 8 HCP with strong 5-card suit, balanced. 
    3 = invitational, 6-card suit 
    3 = slam invitational with broken 6-card suit 
    Texas Transfers. If followed by 4N = Roman Key Card Blackwood. 

Opener's 2nd Bid:

After 1-level response: 

    1. 1N = 12-14 HCP, bal. 
    2. 2N = 18-19 HCP, bal. 
    3. 3N = solid minor & stoppers in the unbid suits. 
    4. Opener's rebid of his 1-level suit = 6+ card suit (normally). 
    5. Jump rebid of 1-level suit = 15-17 HCP, 7.5-8 winning tricks. 
    6. Non-jump raise = 13-15 points. 4+ support or 3-card support & singleton/void. 
    7. Jump-shift = 18+ HCP 
    8. Reverse = 17+ HCP, 1-round force. 
    9. Jump-Reverse = 4+ card support, GF, singleton in suit bid. 
    10. Double jump-reverse = 4+ card support, GF, void in suit bid. 
    11. Single raise = 13-15 points, 3+ support (with 3, a side singleton or void) 
    12. Double raise = 16-18 and 4+ card support. 
    13. Jump to game in RMS = 4+ support, 19-20 points, no singletons or void.

After 2-level response: 

    1. 2N = 14-15 HCP, balanced. 
    2. 3N = 18-19 HCP, balanced 
    3. Rebid OS = 6-card suit (usually), forcing. 
    4. Rebid of a new suit = forcing 
    5. Jump in a new suit = splinter with 4+ support 
    6. Reverse or a new suit at 3 level = GF 
    7. Raise to 3 level = extras, forcing to 4 level or 3N.

After a 1N response to opener's 1: 

    Pass = < 17 HCP, balanced. 
    2N = 17-18 balanced 
    3N = 19 balanced 
    New lower ranking suits are not forcing, 11-18 HCP. 
    Reverse = 1-round force 
    Jump rebid = invitational. 
    Jump shift = GF

After a 2N GF response:

    New suits = natural 
    Jump in new suit other than clubs = natural, slam invitational 2-suiter. 
    4N = natural 
    Jump to 4 - Gerber. Opener's suit = agreed. 
    Rebid of OS (major) = 6+ card suit, GF

Responder's Rebid:

After a 1-level response: 

    1N = 7-10 HCP 
    2N = 11-12 HCP 
    3N = 13-15 HCP 
    2 RS = 6-9 HCP, 6-card suit 
    Jump to 3 RS = 10-11 HCP, 6-card suit, NF 
    Bid 4th suit then bid 3 RS = forcing. 
    New suit by responder = forcing except after 1N. 
    Return to 2 OMS = 6-9 HCP, 2-card support. 
    Jump preference to OMS = invitational, 3-card support, NF. 
    Jump pref. to OmS = invitational, 4+ card support, NF. 
    Bid 4th suit then bid opener's 1st/2nd suit at 3 level = forcing. 
    Jump in lower ranking suit = invitational. 
    Bid 4th suit then bid lower ranking suit = forcing

After a 2-level response: 

    Rebid RS = not forcing unless opener has reversed. 
    2N = 11-12 HCP, NF. 
    3N = 13-15 HCP. 
    Return to OMS at 2 level = 3-card support, 11-12 points, NF 
    Jump preference to OMS = 4-card support, 13-15 points, GF. 
    Jump to 4 of OMS = 4-card support, 12-15 HCP 
    4th suit at 3 level = forcing to 4 of the suit or 3NT.