Lebensohl Responses To Double of Weak-2

Lebensohl lets advancer to the double describe the strength of his hand.
The range of points shown are not written in stone but are what most experts use.
Likewise, you can find various ways to bid Lebensohl. The ways shown below are as good as any.

With 0-7 Points

    A bid on the two level is a weak sign-off. Example: 2-D-P-2.

    If a new suit cannot be bid on the two level, then 2N is a relay to 3.

    After doubler bids 2N, advancer can bid his suit on the 3 level or pass if Clubs is his suit.

With 8-11 Points

    If you could bid your suit on the two level but first bid 2N to relay to 3 and then bid your suit, it shows 8-11 points. Example: 2-D-P-2N, P-3-P-3.

With 12+ Points

Jumping in your suit shows 12+ points. Example: 2-D-P-3 or 2-D-P-4


    (1a) Bidding 2N and then jumping to 3N over doubler's 3 shows a stopper in opener's suit and a desire to play in notrump. (Not everyone will play this. Check with your partner.)

    (1b) Jumping straight to 3N is also to play, but denies the stopper as well as 4+ cards in the unbid major(s).

    (1c) A cue bid shows 4 cards in the unbid major (or 1 of the majors). Alternatively, the meanings of the two bids above may be reversed, as shown next.

    (2a) Jumping straight to 3N is to play and shows stoppers.

    (2b) Cuebid asks doubler to bid 3N with stopper(s).

    (3) Jump cuebid when 2 was opened is a game force which shows the minors.

Alternatives for Doubler:

Ignoring the 3 Relay

    If doubler has a good 5+ card suit, he can bid it instead of the requested 2.

    As Mike Lawrence says of 2+ level overcalls in The Complete Book On Overcalls:

      You need extra values to give you a shot at taking that extra trick, so right away, all of those weakish hands which qualified for one-level overcalls are eliminated... What's left are good hands with good suits.

    Since doubler needs a stronger hand to overcall on the 2 level than the 1 level, the fact that he doubled first and then bid his suit indicates and even stronger hand, perhaps 16+ HCPs.

    The risk to doubler's bidding his own suit instead of accepting the relay to 3 is that advancer may have a hand which is a bust with no entries, and playing in his long suit may be the only way to win any tricks with his hand or to get to his hand to take finesses.

        2 AQJT2 AQ32 K32
        654 32 32 J98432

      A better shot at actually being able to make a bid would involve having a void in opener's suit and a 6+ card suit.

    Also see Minimum Off-Shape Takeout Doubles which is somewhat similar to Lebensohl except advancer has to bid on the 1 level with a bad hand or to bid 1N when a 1-level suit cannot be bid, but it is not a relay. It asks doubler to bid his 5-card suit

Better Minor Lebensohl

    After 2N by advancer, doubler bids his longer/better minor rather than an automatic 3.

    If advancer has unbalanced minors, such as 5-3, he cannot use 2N and must bid his better minor, but without the 2N bid to show a weak hand, a bid of 3 can be either weak or intermediate.