CardShark BideBase
Splinter - Random Singleton/Void

Random Splinters can, by partnership agreement, be used in one of two ways, to differentiate between holding a singleton and a void, or between a normal HCP hand or a strong HCP hand.

Another advantage of using Random Splinters is that if partner signs off in game, the opponents will not know which suit responder's singleton (or void) is in.

Singleton vs. Void

    1-3 or 1-3N shows 4+ card support, 10-12 HCPs, and a singleton in an unspecified suit. Opener can bid 4 of his suit if not interested in slam, or he can bid 4 of the next higher rank (Clubs, Diamonds or Hearts, in this case) to ask responder for the singleton's suit.

    If bidding a void suit would take responder past game level, bidding opener's suit shows a singleton in the higher suit.

    A jump higher than 3 shows a void.


      3N-4 -- singleton Club
      3N-4 -- singleton Diamond
      3N-4 -- singleton Spade (since 4 would go beyond 4)

      4-4 -- singleton Diamond
      4-4 -- singleton Heart
      4-4 -- singleton Club (since 5 would go beyond 4)

      1-3N -- void in Spades
      1-4 -- void in Clubs
      1-4 -- void in Diamonds

      1-4 -- void in Clubs
      1-4 -- void in Diamonds
      1-4 -- void in Hearts

Normal vs. Strong Hands

    1-3 or 1-3N still shows 4+ card support and 10-12 HCPs, but when playing Normal-Strong Random Splinters, it shows either a singleton or a void. Other than that, the examples shown above for 1-3 and 1-3N are the same.

    A jump higher than 3 also shows a singleton or void, but in a 13-15 HCP hand.

    Examples are the same as the above, but instead of showing singletons versus voids, they show 10-12 HCPs versus 13-15 HCPs.